crafing your offer

Why Your Offer is Important

August 21, 20242 min read

I had a 1:1 consult yesterday with a new Hypnotic Marketing Mentor member. His business is doing well, but he's ready to scale, and the biggest questions he had were related to his OFFERS.

Your offers are the single most important thing in marketing, lead generation and customer acquisition.

But so many hypnotists and therapists struggle with this, or don't fully understand how to craft an effective offer.

So what types of offers should you consider?

Gated Content Offers

Virtually EVERY business can use these. This is a piece of information in exchange for contact information. If done correctly, you'll have high intent leads that you can then convert to bookings through the funnel.

Loss Leaders

This is a free or discounted first step that should lead seamlessly into your core offer, or the thing you really want to sell.

I am a big fan of loss leader offers, and if you understand your sales cycle and KPIs, you can CRUSH IT with the right loss leader.

Product Preview Offers

These are the offers that only apply if someone intends to buy. Think "Free Consultation" or "Estimate". Now, that's not very sexy, if you ask me, but that's what most people are doing in their ads. Driving all of their traffic to a weak product preview offer.

You can make these much more exciting and enticing, by creating bonuses that are unlocked with purchase, bundles, buy 1 get one free, etc.

If your product preview offer is lacking, this is a great place to start.

Now the question is, how do you USE them?

Well, everywhere. But especially in your ads.

Depending on the offer, you're going to want to run specific styles of campaigns or use specific funnels designed for that offer type.

But you can use these organically and to your email list as well!

If you have a list or any organic audience, this can be a great, fast, easy way to test your offers to see what resonates the most to then create ad campaigns around them!

for more information getting in touch or join one of the Hypnotic Marketing Mastery workshops


Richard Barker is the founder of the Hypnotic Marketing Mentor program, where he empowers business owners, entrepreneurs, coaches, therapists, and hypnotists with the skills and strategies to elevate their professional success. Through personalized mentoring and tailored resources, Richard helps his clients harness the power of hypnotic NLP marketing techniques to amplify their brands, connect with their audiences, and drive unparalleled results.
As the Hypnotic Marketing Mentor, Richard is passionate about helping others build their brands quickly and successfully using technology, software, and proven marketing strategies. His dedication to empowering professionals in the hypnosis and marketing fields has established him as a leading authority and sought-after mentor in the industry. Richard launched the Hypnotic Marketing Mastery training program in 2024

Richard Barker

Richard Barker is the founder of the Hypnotic Marketing Mentor program, where he empowers business owners, entrepreneurs, coaches, therapists, and hypnotists with the skills and strategies to elevate their professional success. Through personalized mentoring and tailored resources, Richard helps his clients harness the power of hypnotic NLP marketing techniques to amplify their brands, connect with their audiences, and drive unparalleled results. As the Hypnotic Marketing Mentor, Richard is passionate about helping others build their brands quickly and successfully using technology, software, and proven marketing strategies. His dedication to empowering professionals in the hypnosis and marketing fields has established him as a leading authority and sought-after mentor in the industry. Richard launched the Hypnotic Marketing Mastery training program in 2024

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