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Broadcast Bigger

August 13, 20241 min read

You can have the best offer in the world...but if no one knows you exist, what’s the point?

You’ve got a great offer

People love what you do

And you’re proud of it

But if you’re just waiting around for someone to recommend you, it’s like being on that tiny radio station.

You’re broadcasting, but the reach is limited.

You’re hoping the right people hear you, but it’s out of your hands.

Solely on referrals is leaving your success up to chance.

You need something more reliable, something that amplifies your reach and ensures the right people hear what you’ve got to say.

check out all the cool offerings at

Richard Barker is the founder of the Hypnotic Marketing Mentor program, where he empowers business owners, entrepreneurs, coaches, therapists, and hypnotists with the skills and strategies to elevate their professional success. Through personalized mentoring and tailored resources, Richard helps his clients harness the power of hypnotic NLP marketing techniques to amplify their brands, connect with their audiences, and drive unparalleled results.
As the Hypnotic Marketing Mentor, Richard is passionate about helping others build their brands quickly and successfully using technology, software, and proven marketing strategies. His dedication to empowering professionals in the hypnosis and marketing fields has established him as a leading authority and sought-after mentor in the industry. Richard launched the Hypnotic Marketing Mastery training program in 2024

Richard Barker

Richard Barker is the founder of the Hypnotic Marketing Mentor program, where he empowers business owners, entrepreneurs, coaches, therapists, and hypnotists with the skills and strategies to elevate their professional success. Through personalized mentoring and tailored resources, Richard helps his clients harness the power of hypnotic NLP marketing techniques to amplify their brands, connect with their audiences, and drive unparalleled results. As the Hypnotic Marketing Mentor, Richard is passionate about helping others build their brands quickly and successfully using technology, software, and proven marketing strategies. His dedication to empowering professionals in the hypnosis and marketing fields has established him as a leading authority and sought-after mentor in the industry. Richard launched the Hypnotic Marketing Mastery training program in 2024

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